Monday, June 9, 2008

too beautiful to put into words - summer plans?

Holy crap, school ends next week. Next week I'll be a senior. AHHHH. That is a scary thought. Part of me doesn't feel ready for the transition to college. But another part of me is welcoming it, and is ready to take the step towards independence and a life devoted to my art. This entire post is probably going to sound terribly pretentious, and I apologize in advance DAMMIT MY ITUNES JUST RICKROLLED ME

Anyway yeah. So summer. Next week I'm also going to be in another country (!! sdakl;gjasklh.;ask), and when I get home I can start looking for a job. I'm really hoping to get something at the teahouse, because that's something that I am actually interested in and would put a lot of effort towards. But if that doesn't work out I'll figure out something else (petsitting would also be ideal, but I need my license.) My goal this summer is to work like crazy - in any possible job I may get and on my artwork.

I really need to start accumulating work for a portfolio and seriously look into some WA art schools. And just work endlessly towards improvement. I'm only really disappointed in my artwork when I inevitably compare it to someone else's and realize how much more time and effort I need to put into this before I can really feel satisfied. I don't know if I'll ever be fully satisfied, but I want to get as close as I can. (forever incomplete...) All I want to do with my life is live in art. practice, practice.

I still need to remember to love myself.

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