Monday, June 9, 2008

I hear in my mind, all this muuuuusic

I just came across this quote from Alanis regarding Flavors:

"I think in terms of colors and the more sort of A, C, D songs, those chords are primary colors - yellow, red, and I think there's a lot of purple on this record, purples and dark emerald greens, and grays."

It's interesting, because as far as my own synesthesia goes with this album:

-Citizen of the Planet = the last chorus is sort of a light blue...don't get much for the rest of the song, though
-Underneath = blue + green
-Straitjacket = BRIGHT green + black + white
-Versions of Violence = dark purple
-Not As We = gray
-In Praise of the Vulnerable Man = a soft red, not pink but not crimson
-Moratorium = sepia
-Torch = dark green
-Giggling Again for No Reason = soft green
-Tapes = this awful murky yellow (I will never stop harping on my hatred for this song!)
-Incomplete = gold, bits of rainbow with the guitar
-Orchid = soft purple
-The Guy Who Leaves = kind of reddish...bits of gold
-Madness = don't get much of anything
-Limbo No More = ditto
-On the Tequila = tequila-colored, lawlz
-It's a Bitch to Grow Up = yellow + green (I just noticed that I haven't written about this song yet. I'm pretty sure I hate it. Not as much as Tapes, but it's incredibly annoying.)
-20/20 = bright blue

So yeah, I see some overlap there. Huh. Purples, grays, yellows...although I wouldn't know a C chord from a hole in the ground so I don't know which songs she might be referring to.

I don't even know why I'm writing about this. I like to think about colors. and think IN colors!

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