Saturday, June 7, 2008

Things I Need To Do Before I Go To Japan, part deux

- buy a new backpack (Mom is going to REI this week)
- cash my bonds (did so today. I also got a card from my grandparents containing a $100 check, which is incredibly nice of them.)
- finalize PXK iTunes (still a work in progress, probably will be until midnight of the 18th)
- find out how much battery power PXK actually has (need to do this)
- go to the bookstore (see below!)
- buy a bitchload of disposable cameras (Mom's letting me bring the digital camera.)
- maybe get a trip sketchbook (Don't know if I'm actually going to do this, chances are I have an empty one lying around)

Anyway, books! ♥ I picked up:
-The Mists of Avalon - I've read this already, but I bought another copy because the one I do have is horribly mangled. (I lent it to Laura a few years ago and Luke nommed on it...)
-Bullfinch's Mythology - this is the book that I saw at B&N a few weeks ago but didn't get. I bought the abridged version because the original's HUGE and I don't want to be carrying too many heavy books around.
-Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths - I don't care that I know most of these stories by heart already, I love them. ♥
-Myths and Legends of Japan - WHY NO, I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MYTHOLOGY BOOKS. I don't know any Japanese myths, though!
-Othello - My ongoing attempts to bone up on my Shakespeare.
-e.e cummings Selected Poems - I love him, but for some reason I never actually owned any of his work. the little horse is newlY is probably my favorite poem of all time.

I got a copy of what is close to our finalized itinerary for the trip:
June 19th: Take the 8:45 ferry to Seattle, take the 12:52 flight (ten motherfucking hours. it's a good thing I will have reading material/an iPod full of my favorite albums/my pokemanz to keep me occupied.)
June 20th: Land at Narita at 2:55 PM, take the bullet train to Kyoto
June 21st: Sightseeing in Kyoto- Kinkakuji, Nijojo, Kiyomizudera
June 22nd: Visiting Nara - Todaiji, Nara National Museum, feeding deer :D
June 23rd: Hiking in Hozu, Hozu river cruise, Saruyama, Arashiyama, Yuzen studio
June 24th: We still don't know what we're doing this day, we might be going to Osaka
June 25th: Meito High School in Nagoya, take the bullet train to Tokyo
June 26th: Kyoritsu Women's University, Imperial Palace Higashi Gyoen Park
June 27th: Tsukiji Fish Market, Akihabara, Harajuku
June 28th: Diet House, Ghibli Museum, Karaoke!!, Shinjuku
June 29th: Asakusa, take 4:55 flight, arrive back in Washington at 9:43 AM


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

huhu.. I'm going to Tokyo this Friday. Three weeks homestay and language course in Shinjuku. Will be going to Enoshima, Kamakura, and other places with my host family. Asakusa with my 'schoolmates' and will be staying in Kanagawa - Tokyo outskirt.

Hope it will be an amazing experience!

[counting day for it]
