Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I got a packet from Cornish today, and it told me that I should have my application in by November - fine, I can do that. But the portfolio review is in DECEMBER/JANUARY. I seriously don't know if I can have everything I need done by then. Cornish's requirements are 5 black and white observation pieces, and 5 pieces that have a central theme. Knowing what a slow worker I am, that could be a problem. But I am going to get on this right away! I'm going to start my flower concentration pieces ASAP, so if I have at least five done by the end of the year I should be set, and there's my charcoal still life that I'm almost finished with, and I'm planning on doing another self portrait (my last one was based off a photograph). So I need to come up with three more black and white things. I can do this!!

(Yeah, so basically right now Cornish is my first choice, Evergreen's my safety school, I'm visiting Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland next weekend, and I need to set up a visit to Western soon. Trish recommended applying to no more than five schools, so I should be okay with four, and even if I don't get into the other three, Evergreen is hella easy to get into. So it's all good.)

Anyway, my sketchbook. Goddamn, I love having a scanner!

The rough of my still life for APSA. We were supposed to do shiny objects but all the things provided in the classroom sucked, so I did most of mine at home. My attempt to satisfy the Rule of Thirds - the vase in the upper left, the wineglass in the upper right, the cup thingy in the lower right, and the middle candle slightly off center despite being in the middle segment. I'm still not done with the final, I'm having trouble with the wineglass and the candles. The cup and the vase look really nice, though. I might bring it in to Linda on Friday and ask her for help. It's due on Tuesday.

Notes (I write in my sketchbooks a lot):
Caroline @ Farmer's Market, 9/6/08
super rough draft. the eyes are all wrong.
It looks nothing like her. Decent starting point, I guess.
face is too long.

So yeah, that basically says it all. I'm working on this painting right now (acrylic and colored pencil) and it looks much more like Caroline! I might set it aside for a little while just because I can't use it in my Cornish audition, and those pieces need to be my priority... Also, the scanner fucked up the colors a lot - I DID actually color in her skin, it's not supposed to be glaringly white.

Elise @ the Farmer's Market 9/6
outlining shadows. some kind of weird shapes in there, w/her hair...
dark eyes.
i want her hair to match the flowers.
She looks too innocent, she needs to be more devious!
it has everything to do with the lighting.

This is going to be in oils, which I've never done before, so omgexciting. I may or may not use this for my flower concentration, but right now I'm leaning towards not.

Way to Normal leaked. I can't wait to buy it off iTunes next week. The sound quality of the ripped Myspace tracks is awful and makes my ears hurt (and normally I'm not a big stickler for that), and that's too bad because the album is mind-blowingly awesome. Delicious pop hooks, tons of profanity, hilarious tracks juxtaposed with heartbreakingly gorgeous ones, and piano hammerage galore!! What more could I want out of a Ben album? Let's have a dance off.

I went to a protest today and I might have pictures soon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

it's been a while

Yeah, I know. I haven't really been keeping up with this blog. I suck. I'm not really doing what I wanted to accomplish with this blog. I'll try to fix that.

So what has Annie been doing lately?

In the past month I've been to two gigs - Radiohead on August 20th and Vienna Teng on September 4th. They were both fabulous.

15 Step
There There
All I Need
Pyramid Song
Talk Show Host
The National Anthem
The Gloaming
Faust Arp
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Climbing Up the Walls
Dollars & Cents

1st Encore:
How to Disappear Completely
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
In Limbo
Street Spirit

2nd Encore:
You and Whose Army?
No Surprises
Everything in its Right Place

I DID get Idioteque, thank god. The first encore was hands-down the best part of the show. Except maybe for when Thom fucked up Faust Arp and started singing a Neil Young song. I went with Chris and the Ayrisses, and our seats were pretty bad - very last row to the left of the stage. I found myself very jealous of those lucky bastards in the pit. (At least we weren't on the lawn. It started raining immediately after the show ended.) I'm compelled to compare this show to the Nine Inch Nails gig, and I'd honestly have to say that NIN was better. Partly because I'm more familiar with the music, partly because nothing is cooler than Trent's lightshow, and partly because I was in the pit for NIN. I like more intimate shows. But anyway, this was still a really great show and I'm glad we made the trek out for it.

Vienna Teng:
Whatever You Want
City Hall
Blue Caravan
1 br/1 ba
Green Island Serenade
I Don't Feel So Well

Grandmother Song

You see what happened there? I got to hear Idioteque at two different shows in the space of two weeks! Went to this show with Caro, Lise, and Lina, and had an awesome time. The Triple Door is a really nice place, and not only was our table smack dab in the middle near the front of the stage, I got to have really nice tea before the show started. Vienna is basically the cutest human being alive. The Dreaming songs translated beautifully with the band - I think it's been cemented as my second favorite album after Waking Hour. The new songs also sounded ace, particularly Antebellum. Harbor was a lovely surprise. I only wish that she'd gotten to play for longer. We got to meet her after the show, and I got her autograph. I accidentally left my camera with mom, because I am a FRIGGIN' TARD < /Captain Hammer >, so no pictures.

Also, I may or may not have a crush on Alex Wong. So, there's that.

Things Annie Is Currently Enjoying
-Being in a steady relationship. I love being in love and this is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me.
-Being in school. No, really. It's weird. It's like all of a sudden someone flipped a switch in my head and I suddenly want to know EVERYTHING, things I wouldn't have cared about this time last year. I'm finally appreciating the things I'm being taught. I think I'm finally growing up. I'm especially enjoying AP Studio Art (of course) and World Religions.
-Who Killed Amanda Palmer?. It is awesome and will be high on my year-end list. Leeds United is simply glorious.
-Sailor Moon Abridged. Ohhhhhh my god.
-My Pokemanz! Let me show you them, in fact!

Things Annie Is Currently Not Enjoying:
-MCCAIN/PALIN. UGHHHH. My hatred for these two seems to intensify with each passing day.
-My Creative Writing class. I am just not the writer I used to be and I'm already way behind. I'm glad that this is only for a semester.
-Way to Normal still has not leaked. This displeases me.
-Twilight. That isn't anything new, it is a constant source of animosity and headdesking in my life, but I despair for a friend of mine who has succumbed to The Sparkle. (Growing Up Cullen, on the other hand, well. That is something else entirely. That something else is EPIC WIN!)
-College is looming and I'm getting kind of nervous about applications and whether or not I'll have enough work in my portfolio by the time I need to and argh.
-Senior projects. Haven't even started mine yet but it can fuck right off anyway.

Next entry I'll post some stuff I've been working on for AP Studio Art.