Monday, May 26, 2008


Look at what I found in Seattle today!
My old Daiso bunny cup!! And also, obviously, the inspiration for my blog header. I was so sad when my old one broke (and I still have it), but amazingly enough they're still carrying the same design over a year later. So that's pretty much made the rest of my week already.
I had a nice day in Seattle with Caro and Elise today; bought some summer clothes, went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, went to Barnes & Noble and lusted over a mythology book and a hardcover edition of The Mists of Avalon but couldn't afford either, woe. Also, I got to actually listen to Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea IN a city, and felt like a happy dork. I've been on a bit of a Stories kick all this month, actually.
Oh, the bonus Flavors of Entanglement tracks have leaked. I like them all. I'm especially partial to Orchid and The Guy Who Leaves, and fuck you all I love On the Tequila too. Here is my tentative extended tracklisting -
1. Citizen of the Planet
2. Underneath
3. Orchid
4. The Guy Who Leaves
5. Straitjacket
6. Versions of Violence
7. Not As We
8. In Praise of the Vulnerable Man
9. Madness
10. Moratorium
11. Torch
12. 20/20
13. Giggling Again for No Reason
14. Limbo No More
15. Incomplete
I'm not entirely sure that I like the placing of In Praise of the Vulnerable Man inbetween Not As We and Madness, but I don't really know where else to put it. But I really want to keep it. So I shall be puzzling over that. I didn't include Tapes or On the Tequila because A) I still hate Tapes and B) On the Tequila just does not fit anywhere no matter how full of win it is. I'll try to include It's A Bitch To Grow Up whenever that shows up on the internets.
I mentioned Stories earlier and I want to share this -
PJ Harvey - Good Fortune (this video is how I feel on the inside whenever I hear this song)


SpacePup said...

What is Daiso? Cause here it is the name of a 100 yen store :P

Annie said...

It is indeed the 100yen store. Only over here it's a dollar store. :P They have one at a mall in Seattle.

SpacePup said...

ah, thought so ;)