Friday, July 25, 2008


THAT'S RIGHT. I will write all about it when the day comes!! Provided, of course, that the pit doesn't kill me.

In other news, I am updating my DeviantArt account again, lolwat. Oh, you know, I'm looking at this page right now and realizing that I never posted my art challenge pieces here!!

(original stock image here)

(original stock image here)

finished product:

Val's prompt for challenge #24 was to use a picture of any couple (no Tori photos) and one of two lines from the song Lust: "lust in the marriage bed" or "you know you'll drink her". I chose the latter, and wanted to use a nameless anything couple rather than someones taken from a film/series as suggested. I ended up spending so much time on the drawing part (I actually went over deadline - Val was kind enough to give me an extension) that I didn't get to work much on the actual sig. I'm not fully satisfied with it, but I won, so I guess it's okay. Things never turn out the way that I see them in my head...
Lust is one of my favorite Tori songs, and also one of THE most intense synesthesia triggers. I tried to replicate that as best I could with the colors in this sig, and failed rather miserably by my standards. I did as best I could. To me the song is a very vibrant gold and crystal, a different shade than the background colors I ended up with. As far as the actual drawings go, not much to say really; the song's message is so deeply sewn into me that the blueprint for the sig showed up and I just ran with it.

While I'm talking about visual portrayals of Tori songs:

I got it on Monday! a day early! I love love love it. It's so neat to see how people interpreted these songs. How certain lines inspired the entire framework for a story - "counting my feathers as the bells toll" for Here In My Head, the "vanilla" stanza from Siren...and the artwork is just so beautiful! It's really amazing how varied each artistic style is from story to story. I actually feel kind of inspired to start something new...

Real Life! It still exists. I am doing great. I honestly feel like I'm the happiest I've ever been right now. ♥

Man, I just reread this post and I sound really pretentious. I'm sorry. I have a limited way of phrasing things...
To balance it out, I am having WAY TOO MUCH FUN playing Pokemanz. I am an uber dork. And how!

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