Wednesday, July 9, 2008


WAS INCREDIBLE. And I know I haven't updated this blog in far too long, and I apologize.

So anyway, at the moment I'm taking a break from cleaning my room, more specifically my closet, more specifically my makeshift art studio. I went and organized all my stuff and it's looking preeeeetty classy. I mean, as classy as a high schooler's closet art studio can look. This evening I'm going to white out some old canvases.

Currently my list of projects looks like this -
1. FeelTheWord art challenge (I only have a week, AHHHHHHH)
2. Portrait of Chris (on hold for a minute)
3. Mailbox (need to do some sketches)
4. Painting sketches
5. General watercolor practice (I've decided that this is something I need to learn how to do, no matter how frustrating it is. But I need watercolor paper first.)

I also bought a portfolio (none of my pieces with Linda fit in there w/matting...I got it mostly for AP Studio Art next year) and some books from Barnes & Noble last week when Laura was here. This is going to be the summer of artistic productivity!

Oh, also, this is completely off topic, but I just bought a Nintendo DS. I've spent most of the week playing Pokemon Diamond. I haven't played a new Pokemon game since Crystal and I'd forgotten how addictive it is! My current team consists of Empoleon, Luxray, Girafarig, and Sneasel, which is not much. I'm going to breed a new Girafarig and I'm training a new Luxio with Intimidate instead of Rivalry, and I'm going to look for a Tauros when I get a Radar. GOD I feel like a dork!

I've fallen completely and utterly in love with this song:
Lisa Germano - From a Shell

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